Fausto Fungaroli is an Italian conductor, choirmaster and clarinet player.
He graduated in clarinet and Conductor for wind orchestra at Domenico Cimarosa Conservatory in Avellino and after he awarded a Diploma in orchestral conducting at the Regio Conservatory San Pietro a Majella in Naples with Prof. Francesco Vizioli. In the year 2003 he concluded the Vienna conducting Masterclasses with Prof. Salvador Mas Conde, with a final concert in the Vienna Conservatory Hall.
Fausto Fungaroli has been from 2003 to 2006 regular participants in the Conducting-Course”Bach Woche” under the direction of Prof. Helmuth Rilling and Prof. Masaki Suzuki. The successful participation in the above-mentioned masterclasses 2004 was followed by an invitation as the only scholarship in that year for the assistance of Prof. Helmuth Rilling at the European music festival in Stuttgart/Germany.
As choirmaster he has worked with Helmuth Rilling and at the Stuttgart's Gächinger Kantorei, with Christoph von Dohnànyi, Aldo Ceccato. He conducts professional orchestras with and without choir, in symphonic and choral-symphonic repertoire; with choirs and vocal ensembles he conducted several of renaissance and contemporary A-cappella pieces of Italian, German and French traditions.
From 2005 to 2006 Fausto Fungaroli was Conductor-Scholarship at the academy of music and theatre in Hamburg, Germany, where he attended the classes of Prof. Christof Prick.
He has started with Hamburg’s NDR Sinfonieorchester in 2011, with music by Charles Ives. Already guest conductor of the JOVE “ Orchestra Sinfonica di Castellòn” and Stuttgart’s “ Bach Collegium” , he has been from 2009 to 2015 the permanent conductor of Hamburg’s Youth State Orchestra “Landesjugendorchester” with which he has performed more than 35 concerts programs and first absolute executions in Germany.
With large success Fausto Fungaroli directed the New Year concert 2007 in the Teatro San Carlo of Napoli.
From 2009 to 2010 he has been Maestro Christoph Von Dohnànyi’s assistant, at that time he was the principal conductor of Hamburg’s NDR Sinfonieorchester .He has also been assistant of other prestigious Masters like Michael Gielen and Aldo Ceccato.
He has conducted in famous Opera Houses in Germany and in other parts of the world such as Hamburg’s “Laeizshalle”, Munich’s “Herkulessaal”, Stuttgarts’ “Liederhalle”, Saint Petersburg’s “Schostakowitsch Saal”, Naples’ “Teatro San Carlo”, Salerno’s “Teatro Verdi”, Castellòn’s and Peniscola’s Auditorium and Berlin’s “Konzerthouse”.
In 2014 Fausto Fungaroli made his debut with great success at Berlin’s Philharmonie conducting Matera’s “Orchestra del Conservatorio Duni”, the concert has been broadcasted worldwide and it has contributed in a decisive way to the appointment of Matera as the European Culture Capital “2019”.
In November 2014 he has conducted three concerts with the prestigious Hamburg’s String Orchestra “ Ensemble Resonanz”.
Fausto Fungaroli has been member of the jury in several international contests.
During October 2015 he has accompanied the legendary German clarinet player Karl Leister with the Friuli Venezia Giulia’s Regional Orchestra “ Mitteleuropa”. In summer 2016 he has conducted the prestigious Chamber Orchestra of Kazakhstan and the Opera Orchestra of Kharkov/Ukraine in many concerts in Italy. His Concert in the sold out Berlin's Philharmonie (Great Hall) in February 2017 with the Berliner Symphoniker was celebrated with standing ovations. Since 2011 Fausto Fungaroli is the new principal conductor of the Lubecca’s University Orchestra, counting a memorable concert with the soloist David Orlowsky.
From the beginning of the season 2020/21, he will be the "First Guest Conductor of the Berliner Symphoniker".
Fausto Fungaroli - Lebenslauf -
Fausto Fungaroli (geboren am 09. Juni 1972 in Calabritto in Italien) ist ein italienischer Dirigent und Klarinettist.
Den ersten Klarinettenunterricht erhielt er bereits als Kind von seinem Vater. Er absolvierte zunächst in seinem Heimatland ein Musikstudium am Regio Conservatorio di Musica San Pietro a Majella in Neapel bei Prof. Francesco Vizioli und schloss dieses als Dirigent ab. Die Fächer Komponieren, Klarinette und Dirigieren von Blasorchestern lernte er am Avellino-Cimarosa-Konservatorium und beendete sein Studium erfolgreich mit dem Diplom. Im Jahre 2003 folgten die Wiener Meisterkurse bei Prof. Salvador Mas Conde.
Er nahm von 2003 bis 2006 regelmäßig an den Dirigierkursen im Rahmen der Bachwoche Stuttgart unter der Leitung von Prof. Helmuth Rilling und Prof. Masaki Suzuki teil. Dem folgte 2004 eine Einladung als einziger Dirigier-Stipendiat und Assistent von Prof. Helmuth Rilling zum Europäischen Musikfest nach Stuttgart.
Ein Stipendium führte Fausto Fungaroli nach Hamburg, wo er von 2005 bis 2006 an der Hochschule für Musik und Theater seine musikalische Ausbildung mit einem Dirigier-Aufbaustudium bei Prof. Christof Prick fortsetzte.
In den darauf folgenden Jahren erlangte er als Dirigent international renommierter Orchester einen bedeutenden Platz im deutschen Kulturleben. So stand er bereits am Pult des NDR-Elbphilharmonie-Orchesters, der Berliner Symphoniker sowie des Ensemble Resonanz Hamburg. Auch das Bach-Collegium und die Gächinger Kantorei Stuttgart, das Staatliche Kammerorchester Kasachstans und das Mitteleuropa-Orchester des Friaul Julisch Venetien „Italien“ arbeiteten bereits erfolgreich und wiederholt mit ihm zusammen, ebenso wie berühmte Solisten, darunter Karl Leister, David Orlowsky, Gaspare Buonomano, Guillaume Couloumy, Alessandra Rezza oder Aiman Mussakhajayeva.
Fausto Fungaroli war zudem Gastdirigent des Jove Orquestra Simfònica de Castelló (JOSC) sowie von 2009 bis 2015 Chefdirigent des Landesjugendorchesters Hamburg mit dem er mehr als 35 unterschiedliche Konzertprogramme zur Aufführung brachte.
Als Assistent legendärer Dirigenten, unter ihnen Christoph von Dohnányi, Michael Gielen, Helmuth Rilling und Aldo Ceccato, wirkte er unter anderem in der Leiszhalle in Hamburg, dem Herkulessaal in München, der Philharmonie und dem Konzerthaus in Berlin, der Liederhalle in Stuttgart sowie am San Carlo Theater in Neapel und der Shostakovich Philharmonic Hall in St. Petersburg.
Seit Oktober 2011 ist er künstlerischer Leiter des Orchesters des Universität zu Lübeck.
Ab Beginn der Saison 2020/21 ist er "Erster Gastdirigent der Berliner Symphoniker".
Fausto Fungaroli - Curriculum Vitae -
Fausto Fungaroli è un direttore d’orchestra e clarinettista italiano.
Con il successo dei suoi concerti e del suo lavoro si è conquistato gradualmente uno spazio rilevante nella vita culturale tedesca.
Ha diretto orchestre di fama internazionale come la Elbphilharmonie Orchestra di Amburgo”NDR”, i Berliner Symphoniker , l’ Ensemble Resonanz di Amburgo, il Bach Collegium e i Gächinger Kantorei di Stoccarda, l’Orchestra da camera di Stato del Kazakhstan e la Mitteleuropa orchestra del Friuli Venezia Giulia accompagnando solisti del calibro di Karl Leister, David Orlowsky, Gaspare Buonomano, Guillaume Couloumy, Alessandra Rezza, Aiman Mussakhajayeva etc.
Già direttore ospite della JOVE “Orchestra Sinfonica di Castellón “Spagna” è stato dal 2009 al 2015 il direttore stabile dell’Orchestra Giovanile di Stato di Amburgo ”Landesjugendorchester”.
Dal 2011 è il direttore artistico dell’Orchestra dell’Università di Lubecca.
Fausto Fungaroli è stato assistente di leggendari Maestri come Christoph von Dohnányi, Michael Gielen , Helmuth Rilling e Aldo Ceccato esibendosi nelle sale da concerto più prestigiose del Mondo, come la Leizshalle di Amburgo, la Herkulessaal di Monaco di Baviera, la Philharmonie e la Konzerthaus di Berlino, la Liederhalle di Stoccarda presso il Teatro San Carlo di Napoli, la Shostakovich Philharmonic Hall di San Pietroburgo, l’Astana Concert Hall.
Nel Dicembre del 2019 Fausto Fungaroli è stato ufficialmente nominato "Principale Direttore Ospite dei Berliner Symphoniker"